
Alleviating Small Business Pain Points Through Mentoring

Founded in 1999, the Business Centre Guelph-Wellington was established to provide an entry for entrepreneurship in Guelph and Wellington County. Their offerings include business advisory services, business development programs, and a repository of valuable resources and connections for entrepreneurs and not-for-profit organizations. 

Downtown Guelph city aerial view.
BCGW Momentum Business Mentor Program logo.

The Challenge

In 2022 the Business Centre Guelph-Wellington in partnership with the Ontario Trillium Foundation established the Momentum Business Mentor Program to support small businesses and not-for-profit organizations emerging from the Covid-19 pandemic.  The goal of the program is to help businesses create tangible action plans to achieve business growth by supporting them with valuable planning tools, experienced business advisors, and business mentors. 

Pollinate Approach:

Pollinate partnered with BCGW to create a custom designed multi-cohort mentoring program that served the varying needs of established small businesses, startups, and not-for-profit organizations in Guelph-Wellington.

Pollinate Networks Inc. Certified Mentor logo.


126 organizations supported through the program since its inception in Summer 2022

26 mentors became Pollinate Certified Mentors

Overall Net Promoter Score for the Program is 81% and rising


Report chart stating the different business models of entrepreneurs in the program.

Client Testimonials

“We have seen businesses that we have never engaged with before, coming to the table to get guidance with multiple aspects of pain points needing to be solved to accelerate growth.”

Kristel Manes

Executive Director of Business Centre Guelph Wellington

“We’ve gotten to see a whole range of businesses that we wouldn’t have coming forward to assist and be assisted. It has really continued to build our ecosystem.”

Angela Poirier

Momentum Program Manager

“I gained a lot of valuable information, worksheets, advice , etc through the program. However, I would say, the most valuable thing I gained through the experience was support. The mentorship meeting’s provided a safe space to have supportive discussions and work through challenges and celebrate wins. Thank-you for the opportunity to participate in this fabulous program.”


Cohort 1

“As entrepreneurs, myself and my mentee experienced some of the same hurdles. We were able to discuss options and scenarios for consideration and it seemed to be a big help.” and work through challenges and celebrate wins. Thank-you for the opportunity to participate in this fabulous program.”


Cohort 1

“My mentoring partner was a fantastic addition to my skill set, advising and teaching me things that I hadn’t ever thought about. Moreover, they were instrumental in providing a larger perspective to critical matters within my own business.” participate in this fabulous program.”


Cohort 2

“My mentor was fantastic. They worked hard to learn about me and my business so they could offer ideas/ guidance in areas I needed it.”


Cohort 2

“Having other entrepreneurs to talk things out with. An outsider’s perspective was great. Being in business by yourself can be isolating so it was nice to connect with others and talk about my business.”


Cohort 2

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Create mentoring programs that make a difference with Pollinate mentoring software

We have the experience that you can trust, whether you are starting a new mentoring program or enhancing your current program. Pollinate works with you to develop, enhance and deliver mentoring programs that drive results.

Two team members jumping into a high five.