Mentoring for Succession Planning

Pollinate has designed and delivered mentoring programs that support succession by reinforcing the development of new careers and retaining a diverse group of people in the field.

Mentor passing baton to mentee for succession planning graphic.

Mentoring Supports Succession Planning

Mentoring programs can be used to accelerate knowledge transfer between long term and legacy employees. Pollinate develops and executes programs that develop skills and competencies with new recruits while harnessing the expertise of your workforce and organization.

Our programs will help you to:

Employees who participate in
mentoring are

more likely to be ready for advancement.

Case Study Feature

Cross-Pollinating Teams Through Leadership and Change

A Canadian municipality contracted Pollinate Networks to support its 100 leaders in the pursuit to integrate their newly discovered values into leadership practice. The focus of this initiative shifted towards supporting leaders working and managing through rapid change on the front lines of the global pandemic.

Case Study Feature

Cross-Pollinating Teams Through Leadership and Change

A Canadian municipality contracted Pollinate Networks to support its 100 leaders in the pursuit to integrate their newly discovered values into leadership practice. The focus of this initiative shifted towards supporting leaders working and managing through rapid change on the front lines of the global pandemic.

Pollinate Platform homepage view for succession planning mentorship programs.

Why work with Pollinate?

Pollinate automates the design, implementation, and management of your succession planning focused mentoring program, allowing you to focus on putting the right people together to create the right collaborations.

Better succession mentoring programs start with better matching: meet Cross-Pollinate AI™

Pollinate has created a smarter matching software that leverages the specific goals of your organization and with key data on your workforce to design and implement mentoring programs that are calibrated for success. 

Click below to learn more about our software and how we match people to work together.

Want to know more?

Ask us about our programs, services, tools, implementation, pricing or anything else:

Create mentoring programs that make a difference with Pollinate mentoring software

We have the experience that you can trust, whether you are starting a new mentoring program or enhancing your current program. Pollinate works with you to develop, enhance and deliver mentoring programs that drive results.

Two team members jumping into a high five.