Image of a person looking ahead at a challenging maze path - mentoring in the workplace in 2023

Navigating the Path to Success in 2023

A workplace mentoring program is a structured and intentional professional development initiative that purposefully creates a relationship between two or more individuals who work in the same organization. Workplace mentoring programs in 2023 are on the rise, with many organizations integrating mentorship as a key component of their overall knowledge transfer, team building, and employee development plans. Looking back on the last year, I would like to share some of the common emerging and notable trends in mentoring to give you perspective on what you should consider when designing your next workplace mentorship program.

Design the Perfect Mentoring Program – Identify Outcomes

Organizations start mentoring programs to support the professional development of their employees, identify and develop future leaders, transfer knowledge and experience, promote diversity and inclusiveness, improve employee engagement, and achieve organizational goals. A well-designed and effectively implemented mentoring program can have a positive impact on the organization and its employees by fostering a culture of mentorship, increasing motivation, and improving productivity.

When designing the perfect mentoring program it is important to identify the desired outcome up front and select the program design that best fits the result you want to achieve. Right now the most common mentoring program designs fall into one of the following three buckets; one-to-one mentoring, group or cohort mentoring, and peer-to-peer mentoring.

Traditional one-to-one mentoring is composed of a mentor, typically an experienced and successful professional who provides guidance, support, and advice to a mentee, who is trying to achieve their professional goals, develop in their career, and acquire new skills and knowledge. A one-to-one mentoring relationship typically involves regular meetings or check-ins between the mentor and mentee, where they discuss the mentee’s goals, expectations, and experiences. One-to-one mentoring programs provide the mentee with personalized support and guidance, an opportunity for networking and career advancement that supports the growth and development of high performing employees and aspiring leaders. One-to-one mentoring is a custom fit solution that is tailored to the unique needs of an individual, organization, or initiative.

Cohort mentoring is a type of mentoring program where a group of mentees, known as a cohort, are paired with a mentor or team of mentors. Unlike one-to-one mentoring relationships, where the mentor focuses on the needs and goals of a single mentee, cohort mentoring involves gathering a group of mentees to receive mentorship and support from a mentor or team of mentors. The cohort members typically have similar goals or challenges, and the mentor provides guidance, support, and advice to the group as a whole. Cohort based group mentoring provides mentees with the opportunity to benefit from learning about the diverse experiences and perspectives of other mentees while building camaraderie, accelerating learning, and expanding networking opportunities. Cohort mentoring programs provide organizations with the ability to mentor many people at the same time while providing mentees with the benefits of group support, diverse experiences, and accelerated results.

Peer-to-peer mentoring is a type of mentoring relationship where two individuals with similar roles or responsibilities, known as peer mentors, support and guide each other in their professional development. In peer-to-peer mentoring, both mentors and mentees have the opportunity to learn from each other, share their experiences, and provide feedback and support. Peer-to-peer mentoring provides participants with the benefits of diverse experiences and perspectives, improved teamwork, and strengthened culture. Peer-to-peer mentoring is a great way to expand a pool of high potential employees, cross-pollinate knowledge, and create comradery through team building.

Equip your Mentors for Success – Certify and Train Them

As mentoring programs grow in popularity the need to prepare mentors before launching a mentoring program is crucial for the success of the program, the mentors, and the mentees. By providing mentors with a clear understanding of their role, responsibilities, and how to effectively support and guide their mentees, they can build trust and establish positive relationships. The keys to preparing mentors are:

  1. Certify your mentors – Providing detailed training and resources can help mentors to understand their role, develop their skills, better address challenges, set clear expectations, eliminate unconscious bias, set boundaries and expectations, and foster positive, productive relationships. Pollinate is launching the Mentor Certification Program in an effort to de-risk mentoring programs by equipping mentors with the tools they need to navigate mentoring relationships.
  2. Clearly define expectations – Clearly communicate the goals, expectations, and responsibilities of the mentoring relationship to mentors to help them to understand what is and is not expected of them in the mentoring relationship. This can help to ensure that both parties understand what is expected of them and can work together effectively.
  3. Provide support – Offer ongoing support to mentors, including regular check-ins and feedback, to help them continue to develop and improve their mentoring skills. Give them access to resources, training and coaching to help them address challenges and achieve their goals.

Navigate Mentoring Program Challenges – The Match Matters

Workplace mentoring programs can face several common challenges, including difficulty in finding the right match between mentors and mentees, maintaining mentor engagement, balancing mentoring responsibilities with regular work duties, and measuring the success and impact of the program. Additionally, mentors may become disengaged over time, especially if they do not receive support or recognition for their efforts, and it can be difficult to quantify the benefits of mentoring relationships. Overcoming these challenges is not an easy task but our research and experience points to a few key strategies:

  1. Prioritize finding the right match – Creating the perfect match between mentors and mentees can be challenging, as personalities, goals, and schedules may not always align. It is important to carefully match mentors and mentees based on their unique characteristics, backgrounds, goals, and learning style. Cross-Pollinate takes the guesswork out of matching, and can be optimized to accommodate global schedules and thousands of mentoring pairs or cohorts at scale.
  2. Maintain mentor engagement – Mentors can become disengaged over time, especially if they are not receiving support or recognition for their efforts. Regularly check in with mentors, provide opportunities for feedback and recognition, and offer ongoing support and resources to help maintain their engagement and motivation. Make mentoring part of your company culture.
  3. Measure success – With competing priorities and ever changing landscapes many workplaces have difficulty determining the impact and effectiveness of their mentoring programs. Develop and implement a system to regularly assess and measure the success and impact of mentoring programs, including feedback from mentors and mentees, tracking of mentee progress and goals, and impact on the organization


There is no question that well executed workplace mentoring programs are a vital component of professional development and employee engagement in modern organizations. While we all jump on the mentoring bandwagon it has never been more important than now to identify the desired program outcomes and choose the right program design that best fits the organization’s goals. While remembering that mentors play a critical role in the success of mentoring programs it is crucial to equip them with the right training and resources to help them understand their role, develop their skills, and build positive relationships. This combined with prioritizing finding the right match, providing support and recognizing participant success can go a long way in overcoming common challenges and achieving the desired outcomes of the program.

How are you designing your 2023 mentoring programs? Reach out to let me know if there are any tips for success I should have on my radar.

Cindy Collins: Director, Client Delivery, Pollinate Networks Inc.
Cindy Collins – Director, Client Delivery
Cindy Collins provides strategic and tactical day-to-day leadership to the client services operations and project management team at Pollinate Networks. With a mandate of fostering a collaborative approach in delivering exceptional client services, this role works closely with B2B clients to thoroughly understand their needs and to manage the fluid sharing of that knowledge throughout the implementation of mentoring, assessment and consultative initiatives. Cindy also contributes to the functional management of sales and marketing strategy for the organization.



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Mentoring is Mission Critical

Mentoring is a powerful tool that can change the world, one relationship at a time. Whether it’s improving educational outcomes, fostering career development, enhancing social and emotional well-being, reducing risky behaviours, promoting equity, or driving community and economic benefits, the evidence is clear: mentoring works.

Create mentoring programs that make a difference with Pollinate mentoring software

We have the experience that you can trust, whether you are starting a new mentoring program or enhancing your current program. Pollinate works with you to develop, enhance and deliver mentoring programs that drive results.

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