Women For Nature Leading With Confidence Webinar

To support young women in taking on leadership roles in Canada’s nature and conservancy ecosystem, Nature Canada’s Women for Nature initiative hosted a Leading with Confidence webinar June 18 as part of its mentoring program in partnership with Pollinate Networks Inc.

The webinar featured insights from guest panelists Meg Beckel, President and CEO of the Canadian Museum of Nature, and Julie Gelfand, Commissioner of the Environment and Sustainable Development. 

It was the first Community of Practice event for the Women for Nature mentorship program, a way to share knowledge and go deeper on topics of interest to program participants.

Learn more about the Women for Nature mentoring program delivered by Pollinate.


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Mentoring is Mission Critical

Mentoring is a powerful tool that can change the world, one relationship at a time. Whether it’s improving educational outcomes, fostering career development, enhancing social and emotional well-being, reducing risky behaviours, promoting equity, or driving community and economic benefits, the evidence is clear: mentoring works.

Create mentoring programs that make a difference with Pollinate mentoring software

We have the experience that you can trust, whether you are starting a new mentoring program or enhancing your current program. Pollinate works with you to develop, enhance and deliver mentoring programs that drive results.

Two team members jumping into a high five.